The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall
Photo: The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall. Photagrapher: Captain Hubert C. Provand (1936)

It’s been a while since I’ve written a post. So I just wanted to share a few things I’ve discovered since the last time we had a chat.

Last year, and even this past month, I’ve had some really great haunted opportunities and adventures. Recently I have been making the rounds and working with various types of paranormal investigation groups. I have made some great friends with some fabulous investigation ideas. And I am loving every minute of it!

Every paranormal team has their own style, their own way of conducting an investigation. Some use the newest devices that are out there in the ghostly community, while others are considered simply “old school” (Recorder and Video and your personal experiences).

Photo ID - 23778, Year - 1984, Film Title - GHOSTBUSTERS, Director - IVAN REITMAN, Studio - , Keywords - 1984, DAN AYKROYD, BILL MURRAY, HAROLD RAMIS, IVAN REITMAN
Busters…of course.

Me? I was trained old-school sooooooo long ago. I am a problem solver, great analytical and critical thinker, but I will admit I am not tech savvy (blinking lights, beepy sounds, and wires oh my!). What I don’t know…hurts me. But that doesn’t stop me from participating, or learning and becoming aware of what is out there.  Since there is so much we still don’t know about the paranormal, you never know what’s going to stick. So why not try it all, right! (I will say, lately, I have seen some things happen with improved or newly invented equipment that has blown my mind, and I THANK those teams for allowing me to participate).

As you’ve known, all your life, you can learn and grow by working with others (if you can play nice). You don’t have to adopt their style, but you would be surprised at what you can discover just by investigating with other groups.  When I am fortunate enough to do that, I take a lot of mental notes, and I ask a lot of questions. And teams have been very receptive. You never know what is going to click with you, so don’t be shy. If you are wondering about the way a team is handling something, JUST ASK.

I read so much on social media (that shameful devil) and there are a lot of voices out there bashing or diminishing others technical adventures or investigation styles. And yes, it’s probably coming from a good place, because all we want to do is bring the best and most honest evidence to light. False-positives just brings our beloved paranormal field down.  But you have to be open to possibilities and experiences. It’s not a perfect field.  It may never be.

Photographer: Tony O’Rahilly (1905)

I’m also in the process of working with friends who are training to be new paranormal investigators. I love seeing an investigation through their eyes, and I love the questions they ask, and the awesome discussions we get to have. They keep me on my toes. If we’ve been doing something for a long time, we can become complacent. But when new and excited souls come into your life, they can shake things up and wake you up!

So my friends, who are growing faster than I ever expected (that’s what happens when you are full of passion), and their excitement, has gotten me moving and growing again. I am picking up books, reading articles and looking at other investigator websites, just to see what’s shaking. Try it! Even if you’ve been doing this for years, I promise you, you will be saying to yourself “hummm, I agree with half of that” or “nah, I call bull-crap” or hopefully “oh, that’s a good idea. We should try that”.

Photo: Lord Combermere ghost. Photographer: Sybell Corbet (1891)

Don’t be afraid to toss around new ideas and don’t be afraid to test them.  Experiment, test, fail, adjust, test again, fail once more, move on or rethink your plan.  You can’t be closed off in a field that isn’t fully open.

Stay OPEN to opportunities, experiment, be educated, have fun, but for the sake of our field…be true.

Don’t forget to visit our investigations page! We’d love your thoughts and feedback! Ghost Girl Investigations

Happy Haunting!